In this module, we will explore different strategies for socioeconomic change through historical case studies and recent community projects and campaigns.
We also highlight solidarity economy as a vision for an alternative economic system that would center social, economic, and environmental justice.

Learning Objectives:
- Identify at least three different revolutionary strategies for change
- Explain, share examples, and reflect on just transition strategies
- Apply this economic analysis and strategic thinking to current campaigns and projects
For Groups:
For Individuals:
- There are three general strategies for social change 1) reforming or taming an oppressive system, 2) destroying or smashing an oppressive system, and 3) escaping the system by building alternative communities.
- Solidarity Economy is an alternative to capitalism that features collective ownership, allocation based on needs, governance by those closest to the pain deciding the solution, and the sharing of the least desired work in society.
- The just transition framework provides a strategy to move from an extractive to a regenerative economy using three strategies: 1) stop the bad → build the new, 2) divest from their power → invest in our power, and 3) change the rules
- Our campaigns and projects can and should strive for both the redistribution of resources and democratic governance.
Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice
Jessica Gordon Nembhard
Solidarity Beyond the Crisis: How to Truly Build Back Better.
Pérez, Francisco and Luis Feliz León. 2020, Dollars & Sense, November 2020
“Breathing Life into Democracy”
Nwamaka Agbo and Francisco Pérez. Economics for Emancipation Podcast, Episode 4
“On Black Resilience and Being Loved”
Jessica Norwood and Nia Evans. Economics for Emancipation Podcast, Episode 1
“Real Utopias”
Erik Olin Wright
“There’s No Such Thing as the Economy”
Kali Akuno and Penn Loh. Economics for Emancipation Podcast, Episode 2
“To Become Ungovernable”
Elena Letona and Gopal Dayaneni. Economics for Emancipation Podcast, Episode 3
How We Live: Journey Towards A Just Transition
Video (7 min), (7/10/14), by Movement Generation and EDGE Funders Alliance.